Thursday, May 10, 2007

Concert Review: The Kooks

The Kooks
Caberet Metro - Chicago
May 5, 2007

I'm too old and fat to stand at concerts anymore. But much to my feet, legs and back's chagrin, I still do when there's no other choice and the artist I'm seeing is worth it. At the Metro, England's fun pop-rock band, The Kooks, were worth it. Fortunately, for me at least, they only played for an hour, as they are still touring on their debut album, Inside In Inside Out, which is infectious throughout and came off as so -- though without much variance -- on stage. And the other songs they played to round out an hour, whether new songs or B-sides I didn't know, still seemed tasty enough to speak of this band's promise. Though they sold out the Metro and got Q101 promotion, I don't know if they'll ever break big enough in America to play a place where I can sit down (at least in a reserved seat; unlike Metro, I usually find someone to plant myself at the Vic and Riv), but if I can tolerate it, I would love to see them after they have a couple more albums under their belt.

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