Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Concert Review: The Fratellis

The Fratellis
Dappled Cities
Mon., July 30, 2007
Pabst Theatre
Milwaukee, WI

If you haven't gotten the point yet, I love the new wave of music coming from the British isles. Practically every week, I discover new music from previously unknown bands (The Enemy, The Pigeon Detectives, The Maccabees being among the latest) that I think is wonderful. And even driving up to Milwaukee on a work night, and barely staying awake on the drive home, was completely worth it. Not only for the amazing Fratellis, who despite not being great showmen and not quite replicating the great sound & vocals of their debut album (Costello Music) live, have enough great songs from just one album that they were phenomenal anyway. But I got there, starving, and finding no food at the venue, just in time to hear the opening band, who I thought were the Switches. I thought they were really good, and it turns out the first band was a pre-opening act, an oddly named band called Dappled Cities. Next up were Switches, who were wonderful (I'd never heard any music from either of these acts previously, and it was instantly accessible). Both were from England. And then the Fratellis. So 3 hours of great music for just $10.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Concert Review: Maximo Park

Maximo Park
July 16, 2007
Double Door - Chicago

I’m not sure how many things can count as “one of the best,” but without getting too analytical about it, Maximo Park are clearly one of the best of the current wave of Britpop bands. Their 2005 debut album, “A Certain Trigger” is one of my favorite albums of the last few years, and though their newest disc, “Our Earthly Pleasures” isn’t as great, it’s still quite enjoyable.

With their music being more angular and quirky than rousing and anthemic, their live performance proved to be similarly more enjoyable than spectacular. But they have a boatload of good songs, a few great ones and an affable lead singer in Paul Smith. Throw in two good opening bands – The Oohlas and Monsters Are Waiting, both female-fronted American bands I hadn’t previously heard of – and a place to sit at the Double Door, and I really have nothing to complain about. So I guess that makes for a @@@@ show.